Creating World-Class
Software Engineers

Transforming 1000+ careers in the US

  • TechWise is more than just a program; it's a movement. By equipping learners with industry-relevant software engineering skills, we’re shaping a new generation of highly capable tech professionals in the USA. TechWise empowers aspiring engineers with the tools, mentorship, and experience they need to thrive in today’s dynamic tech landscape.
    dale-allsoppDale AllsoppDirector, Ads Inclusion
  • At TechWise, our pedagogy is built on four pillars: learning to learn, learning by doing, learning with peers, and learning without fear of failure. We encourage lifelong learning, hands-on experiences and team-based collaboration. As AI reshapes the industry, TechWise equips learners with the skills to thrive in an AI-driven tech landscape.
    anurag-bansalAnurag Bansal MD and CEO

What is TechWise?

TechWise from its 4th cohort has two distinct learning options.

An 18-month instructor-led online program offering holistic training and mentorship for high-growth tech careers. 100% program fee sponsorship by Google.

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A 9-month self-paced virtual/online program offering essential skills for entry-level tech careers. 100% program fee sponsorship by Google.

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The evolution of TechWise

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TechWise graduates attract offers from top companies

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Frequently Asked Questions

TechWise is a high-impact program offered by TalentSprint and supported by Google, equipping learners with industry-focused skills to become world-class tech professionals, building an adept, new-age workforce in the USA.

It is an 18-month virtual program offering technical training, 100% program fee sponsorship, and Google mentorship to select students. It aims to empower students to become world-class entry-level software engineers by the time they graduate college and complete the virtual program.

The program offers a 3X advantage that will help you succeed in this program

  • TalentSprint: Dedicated faculty and mentors will help you build the required technical skills
  • Google: Dedicated mentoring from Google will help you evolve as a professional
  • CMU: Masterclasses by CMU SCS faculty.

TechWise mini is an asynchronous, self-paced program that will equip students with skills necessary to prepare for tech careers.

Google is committed to empowering the next generation of software engineers with industry-focused skills. By supporting TechWise, Google is helping to build a highly skilled tech workforce equipped with the expertise, problem-solving abilities, and hands-on experience needed to thrive in today’s fast-evolving technology landscape.

TechWise will be delivered by top-notch faculty and industry practitioners. The program will enable participants with

  • Industry-ready software engineering expertise which top tech companies need today.

  • Access to entry-level tech career opportunities with Google and leading tech companies upon successful completion of the program

Students participating in the 18-month TechWise program will have Masterclasses by CMU SCS faculty and a certificate of completion from the SCS Executive and Professional Education Team for successful candidates.

Students on F1 visas are eligible to participate in the program